Just exhuasted 😛

Didn’t get much work done today, so hoping that will change tomorrow, since I have some major catching up to do. But, there’s still time. It can be done.

Mom continues to improve in the hospital. They transferred her out of the ICU tonight, which is great. Means they’re happy with how her airway is behaving. Breathing is important, after all.

Went to see her twice. She’s still pretty out of it, on the drugs, but I’m totally fine with that. Keep her as sleepy as possible, right? Hold that pain at arm’s length. It’s what I’d want to do if I were recovering from surgery, sleep as much as possible. Wake up when most of the hard stuff is over. Then again, I love sleep.

Man, I was still messed up enough sleep-wise that I had to take another nap today. Not nearly as epic as the one yesterday, but I could not sit in front of my computer screen for one second longer. My eyelids were like concrete blocks.

There’s some apartment stuff I have to get done tomorrow. I write that here tonight so that I don’t forget about it. A couple phone calls to make, a disposition to do a rough draft of. You know, fun stuff.

It’s definitely hard being up here finding a routine. But, I went grocery shopping, and I want to snooze pretty early tonight so that I can be up and about nice and early, and be well fed enough to have more energy. I honestly think that’s the biggest culprit in the whole no-energy thing. It was impossible yesterday, and very challenging today given all the running around I did.

Anyway, I’m a zombie right now. I don’t even know what I really just wrote about. Another nonsense “le tired” entry. Tomorrow will be more normal. Work, writing, let’s do this.
