Tonight, the Ho hosted a pajama party with her girl friends as kind of a launch party for this new business side thing that she’s recently taken on, and it was a rousing success. I think I expected more people to show than she did, but it’s safe to say that I think both of us were surprised at how many peeps showed up. It was just really cool to have people over, something we haven’t really done since we stopped doing our monthly artist salon-thing that we did for a few years.

Rodan + Fields is a facial-products (or whatever you call it) company and they do their sales through reps, like Mary Kay or Amway, that kind of stuff. It makes sense for Liz, being the beauty products guru that she really is, and that this company is just starting out, so she has a chance to get in early before it’s super blown up. And, there’s really no pressure since it can be as much of a side endeavor as she needs it to be.

Anyway, I don’t mean to talk about someone else’s stuff on this blog, it’s not my place really, I just bring it up because I’m proud of her. She killed it with the party, and I’m proud of all her efforts. She has talent in this area, she really does, from the choosing of a theme down to the decor, food and layout, it’s all just so.

I worked today, and it started off a little bumpy, which made me kind of grouchy in my head. I just knew I wanted to get to a certain benchmark today, and I was stressed that I wasn’t going to get there. But, I did. A little restructuring of expectations, but once I’d done the actual shuffling, I was very surprised to see that it’s an amazingly minor change, objectively speaking. Subjectively speaking, it means that I am no longer “behind” when I finish each of these work days, and in fact, I’m now “ahead.”

The A’s lost due to some shoddy defense tonight. I think Barton’s days are numbered. I’ll try to write about that very subject this weekend, but we’ll see. The Ho is heading out of town tomorrow, possibly with the Coops, for a little while to go up and help out with some family stuff. It just struck me that it’s exactly what I did about a month ago. Crazy, the symmetry there. Anyways, it’s going to be kind of lonely down here while they’re gone, but it’s also okay, too. I have one focus right now, and that’s getting this work and writing done. I will, most assuredly, be depressed at one (or many) point while she’s gone. It always happens. As we say “bears are just meant to be together.”

That’s all for tonight, it’s far later right now than it should be, but that’s the way the cookie crumbled. Tomorrow I have my all-day writing workshop over on miracle mile. I’ll report my learnings right here a little less than 24 hours from now. That’s a promise! See you then 😉