Artwork tonight from Stephan Martiniere.

Ahhhhh…it’s almost 1:30 in the a.m. – I have floating echoes of Odo, Dax, Sisko, and Quark floating in my head because I “listened” to so much Deep Space Nine today while I was working…

It was near-disaster today. It was 3 in the afternoon and I’d done one video. Then it was 6pm, and I’d done two, for a grand total of 7 lousy minutes. A *fraction* of my goal for that given time of the day. I almost threw in the towel, writing it off as just “one of those days”…but then I decided to hell with that. I had “easy” lessons in my clutches, and if I didn’t exploit that now, I’d pay for it later.

So, I busted my ass from 7pm to 1am…and averaged 3 minutes of completed work an hour over that span. Saved my day, and probably my month. Now, I feel exhausted.

Good thing I have the day off tomorrow, huh? 😛

Season 5 of DS9 is so good. Seriously. It’s soooo goooood. And so is next season, which I’m going to be diving into very, very shortly. I think I’m on the last 3 episodes of season 5. I also listened to some music and put the game on while I worked today, but it was mostly Deep Space Nine. I go through periods where I’ll not put on Trek, and just listen to music or podcasts…but mostly I love it. Voyager is around the corner…then Enterprise. If I’m still doing editing by the end of the year. We’ll see.

All this hard work IS paying off…I can see the savings account growing steadily. Our insurance policy against lean times money-wise, *and* a fund from which to have some fun. Go on a proper honeymoon. Have the reserves to replace a computer if it needs replacing. That kind of stuff.

I did NOT write today…that’s two days in a row. I’m going to schedule my day out tomorrow to fix that, godamnit. Unacceptable. And, it’s all because of laziness. I was distracted yesterday, and a bit today…but I *allowed* myself to become distracted. Then I get behind, and the urge to just “reset the clock” and lower my goals rages strongly. It happens every…oh, I’d say 7 to 10 days.

Part of it is this crazy schedule I’ve set for myself…but mostly, that’s just a part of my personality, I’ve learned. Non-sequitor: right now I’m typing all of this in Chief O’Brien’s voice. Just so you know. Back to me talking about myself, something I obviously enjoy so much I do it every night 😛

Yeah…it’s a part of me to want to just give up if I’m behind. Start fresh the next day. I don’t think it’s a good thing or a bad thing, really…it just IS. I fight it sometimes, and it serves me…and I don’t fight it sometimes and it serves me. Today, there was no reason to give in. Not enough of a reason, anyway…and I had reasons to power through and seize an opportunity, and so I did. That’s part of my personality, too, I suppose. I try to sieze opportunities as often as I can.

Oh! And it rained today, with thunder and lightning and a downpour and everything. IN JULY. Craziest thing. Maybe this *will* end up being an El Nino winter like they said it would.

So, I just got really sleepy. It’s time to pack it in. Coops and Coco are at the end of the bed snoozing. I’m going to join them. In sleep. Not at the end of the bed. That would be weird.

Good night, good morining, or good afternoon to anyone who’s patient enough to read about my work days. They have to be pretty fucking monotonous…but they are a struggle every day. Life is a daily struggle. Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. I ended up winning today more than I lost. It was a good day.