I had a great work day today. Was on schedule for most of it, the vast majority, actually…even got a bit extra done. Like a boss. My failures yesterday do mean about an hour of work tomorrow, and another hour on Monday, but hey…that’s not bad, huh?

I don’t really have much of a plan tomorrow, except maybe to see just how much the Niners really do suck, and to celebrate my birthday in my PJs 😛 We’ll see what happens.

Yes! It is my birthday tomorrow! Well, technically, it’s right now since I’m writing this after midnight. I can’t actually remember what I did for my birthday last year…probably about what I’m doing for my birthday this year, which is not much 😛 I did a lot of travelling last year (wedding times) AND this year during August/early September…I feel kinda burned out, to be honest 😛 I don’t mean burned out in a bad way at all, no, I just mean satisfied. I’ve had my fill of amazing fun experiences, and I’m into resting at the moment.

So, I have two days off. That’s the new “schedule.” Two days on, two days off. I get plenty of rest…but I also stick to a very consistent schedule. I think it’s a winning combination. It’s these stretches of too many days away from either editing or writing that get me all messed up and out of rhythm…that’s the theory, anyway.

Okay, it’s a short one tonight. I’m freaking exhausted. Oh! I played a bit of Skyrim tonight as a reward for finishing my work. It’s fun. I’m definitely getting used to it, like the controls and the how these kinds of games work, how to find out what to do, how to ask, etc. I wouldn’t say I’m totally sucked into it by any means, but I do enjoy walking around and interacting with the world. We’ll see how it goes. Looking forward to cracking open Mass Effect, since that was the other “old” game I got to play and check out.

Anywho, off to bed. See you tomorrow!