Tonight’s artwork is “Moon View” from LA-based artist Dylan Cole, which is especially cool because I got a signed fine art print today for Christmas from the Ho! I know! It’s like she knows me!

And a very merry Heinichen Christmas to you!

Man…it was a good day today. Christmas this year was pretty solid. All around.

Usually with the Heinichen Christmas, it seems like somebody or a couple people make out like bandits more so than the rest, but this year was incredibly even and bountiful. 2015 was a good year for the family, guys. A good year for the Heinichen clan. And I don’t mean that in we spent a ton of money, I just mean the thoughtfulness and quality of the gifts was really top notch.

I think I’ll wait to post it on actual Christmas Day, but easily the best gift award goes to my mom who got me, my brother and my dad a drawing from my late-brother Russell, framed, and just amazing. With his signature. Made us all cry. Really, really special, and particularly special since I’m looking to fill up some wall space in my office.

But yeah…it was a really wonderful day of gift-giving. One of the best ever, I think.

Liz and I were just talking, too, about how nice it is to have the holidays in your own house 😛 Not that we’re going to be making this anything more than something we decide to do every few years. We do like the travelling, and it is really nice to see each other’s families all in one trip. But man, staying home is so nice. The travelling really takes it out of you, you know? I’m looking forward to having a few quiet days off too.

I decided to work a half week this week, so I will have that work, but I can cut it. I have the energy, you know? Why not? Take a couple days to watch some movies and just play some games and strategize, and then do a short week of work. Seems like a fair deal. It’s all about building up that savings account, yo.

Liz has still been battling the lingering effects of this cold, but hopefully it’ll turn around soon. I’ve been needing to keep up on my allergy pills with the wet weather, so I’m sure that has something to do with it.

I may have just gotten Josh headlong into the X-Files, too 😛 In addition to Star Trek back a couple years ago. I’d mentioned to him that I’d decided to watch that as my next “working” show, since I’d gone through all the Treks, and I guess he went and checked out some episodes because he texted me tonight about how surprisingly good it is. And it is. REALLY good. For the most part. It’s clear which episodes they took time to really show what they were really about and which ones they totally phoned it in. I mean, it was a totally different era in television, you were doing 26 episodes every year, you know? It’s not like 12-episode runs they do today when everything can be sharp as shit. It’s much more forgivable when they phone episodes in when you consider that. Judge the show by the GOOD episodes, not the bad. And the good episodes are really, REALLY good. Groundbreaking, in fact. Incredibly influential.

That’s all I got tonight 😛 I love my family, and I love my dogs. Oh! And we all went on nighttime walk tonight and talked to Seth, each taking a turn. Wish he was here 😛
