Day 853: Sixty-Five

Day 853: Sixty-Five

My pilot is 65 pages. It’s a Christmas miracle. I just spent like an hour reading about dogs online, so this entry is going to be much shorter than usual. Sorry 😛 But twas a good day. Oscars happened, and they were very white. Was going to write about that in...
Day 852: Oranges and Apples

Day 852: Oranges and Apples

Day off today…which really meant it was just a day to catch up on all the things that I hadn’t been able to do during the week 😛 So, I did laundry, bought some groceries, cleaned the house and the floors which included both vacuuming and wet-jet-ing. The...
Day 851: Five already

Day 851: Five already

Just finished trekkin with the Josh. We’ve gone through five episodes. It both feels like a lot and a little at the same time. That *is* five podcasts…except for this weird audio glitch that I’d THOUGHT we solved with me picking up a new mic...
Day 850: Was it good?

Day 850: Was it good?

An odd day today. Got some work done, got my writing done, had my hairs cut and did a decent amount of apartment building work. Yeah, that’s what it was; the apartment work really kind of took the wind out of my sails. And I don’t mean because it was...
Day 849: Remember this Day

Day 849: Remember this Day

Remember it! For i’twas a day in which the writing was GOOD. Well…I *hope* it was good 😛 I guess I mean it FELT like it was good. Really good. And the music I was listening to was good. These are the best days. I had a flash of inspiration whilst out...