I’m a writing machine, y’all. A *machine*.

…by which I mean I work sporadically, when I please, and I often break down right when it counts the most 😛

But today, today was one of those days where I could *see* my day unfolding, I could visualize that shit in my brain parts, and I was able to make it all happen. My goal was to get 50 pages done, plus some “paid” work…and I did it. I hit 50 pages. Plus Flix work. I’m a badass. I even wrote a brand new scene. BOOM. So very, very satisfying.

I’m actually so wiped out right now, I’m having a hard time thinking about what to write for this entry. 50 pages of rewrites, plus work is a lot. A LOT. But it was exactly what I needed to do. I now have a path to success for getting this book finished by the new year. Oh, what a success that will be.

I listened to Christmas music whilst I wrote today. That was fun. Neither the Ho nor myself have really gotten into the christmas mood this year, which is abnormal. We didn’t do much last year either, but every year before that, we always did. I suppose we’ve been busy. Not really sure what the explanation is there, but here we are. Neither of us have felt particularly motivated to break out all the Christmas stuff. But…I did listen to christmas music today, and quite enjoyed myself.

The Ho was at work till late, but we both went out and got Poke bowls from the shop down the street. It was dee-lish. Nom nom nom. And fairly healthy, too, depending on what you put in it.

Time to help the Ho with lines before bed. Catch ya’ll on the flip.