Today was dominated by editing with Josh. We sat down and watched the behemouth from beginning to end. And it was good! Surprisingly so. And I don’t mean that from a “I’m surprised Josh can make a good movie” perspective, I mean that from a “I’m surprised that the movie is in this good of shape at this point in the process.”

I’ve edited my fair share of narratives, particularly indie ones. Usually, the assembly cut is in shambles, and the first cut after that is only slightly less so…this one is almost ready to show some people and get feedback on. It moved along with some pace, the story reads pretty clearly, and by the end, you’re really questioning what’s really going on (in the good way, not the confusing way)…which is exactly what Josh wanted.

So, man, that is really, really exciting and satisfying. And really, kudos to Josh who did the VAST majority of the editing work. And I mean, like, 90% of it. My contributions so far have been incredibly minimal. So, yeah. Go Josh. I’m very excited for him. And proud.

I also got some solid rewriting done today. More to do tomorrow to hit my goal for the week…and then next week will be a fucking work-a-thon. No joke. I think my goal is going to be 150 pages rewritten for the week, which includes a couple brand-new sections. Jesus. I have my work cut out for me.

Joined a new Facebook group today. It was the first group of writers that I joined. Introduced myself, and already everyone there seems super nice. I’m looking forward to getting to know some writer peeps, finding my “crowd” and then, eventually, being able to share some insights. For now, I listen and learn. I have to finish first. Finish finish finish. I’m working on it.

That was really about it, you guys. That was my day today. It’s been a whirlwind of a past couple weeks, with no routine which totally stresses me out…but I’m staying productive. Keeping my eye on the prize, which is finishing this rewrite before the new year. I may very well fall short of that goal…but not that short. And I’m okay with that.

2016: the year of finishing. 2017…the year of taking the next step forward? I don’t know. We’ll see. I’ll wait to ponder that till the new year comes closer.

Night, guys. Need to run lines with bae.