Day 1,250: Ye Ides of March

Day 1,250: Ye Ides of March

We say farewell to March. We also say farewell to the first quarter of 2017. I love the first three months of the year. Especially March. It’s always been one of my favorite months. At least as an adult down here in LA. It warms up juuusssttt a little bit, my...
Day 1,249: Little Bit Closer Now

Day 1,249: Little Bit Closer Now

Josh and I finished watching Star Trek tonight. All 79 episodes. In just barely over a year. It’s a mixed feeling, and not “mixed” in a good/bad way, I mean in the type of accomplishment – see, we just finished what we originally set out...
Day 1,248: Inching

Day 1,248: Inching

I am inching towards a finish line, folks. Inching. But at least moving forward. I haven’t counted how many of these portrait conversions I have left for the Flix, but I think it’s around 50 or 60. Which means I have a *solid* week or so left of work. I...
Day 1,247: If it ain’t baroque…

Day 1,247: If it ain’t baroque…

I have an empty head tonight… 😛 I’m not sure what this entry is going to be about. I watched the Warriors beat the Rockets tonight…*finally*…I mean, they never got to the point in the game where they were in danger of actually losing…in...
Day 1,246: Super bloom

Day 1,246: Super bloom

There’s a super bloom out in the deserts. Everyone, and I mean eeeevvveeeerrrryyyyoooonnneee is going to go see them. My friend from college posted a status today mocking that very thing, that was on point. Made me chuckle. It was along the lines of imagining...