The Ho and I discussed getting ourselves a rock tumbler today 😛

We got these rocks on our trip up north, and they look like they’d be soooo cool if they were polished, and it turns out rock tumblers are so cheap! But…apparently, they’re quite loud, and they take a really long time (like weeks) to polish a rock…and we live in an apartment. So, not sure that’s going to happen 😛

I wrote today. Not sure how many words because it was rewriting, but I’m happy with what I have. I just took a 15 minute detour and did some editing on it. I think that needs to become an evening ritual, the editing of the day’s work. We’ll see. Might save some time in the end.

It’s past 11, so I need to go off to bed…but today was up and down. Mostly up, actually, and for that I am very grateful. Tomorrow, more work!

Artwork tonight is from Kilian Eng.