Day 473: Week’s End

Day 473: Week’s End

Artwork tonight by Javier Recio, with a cute H. R. Giger and his alien. I had a solid work day today. I rocked it for *most* of the day. Fell apart a little bit between around 7pm and 8:30…but even then I was able to rally and still get more work done. Solid...
Day 13: Breaking Through

Day 13: Breaking Through

Breaking through…where to begin on that topic? Been thinking about that a lot today. It’s a subject that never really goes away down here in LA. Everyone’s always looking to break through into *something*. I am no different, I’m afraid. I need...
Day 11: Beardtastic!

Day 11: Beardtastic!

  The beard is out of control. This! This is what happens, people, when you work from home! Back when I was working at the good ol’ Lasagna Barn every day, I had to keep that ish under control. Not anymore, and it’s just whiskers and red spikeyness...