Day 1,169: I like the writing part

Day 1,169: I like the writing part

I realized something today as I was blathering through my early morning writing session…and it was eeaaarrrlllyyyy let me tell you, holy bejesus…I like the writing part of writing. Like, a lot. Love it. The rewriting part…not so much. Which I...
Day 1,165: Rainz

Day 1,165: Rainz

It rained today. All morning, and all last night. It was glorious. It was this needle-rain…shoots straight down too much to be called drizzle, but it’s hair-thin, and steady. It makes everything wet, especially the dogs. I think they hate getting wet, but...
Day 1,132: Outage Interruptus

Day 1,132: Outage Interruptus

Blech. Work day was interrupted by a power outage at the ol building. Widespread, too. I went for a walk with the dogs and it went all the way up to the houses in the hills. Crazy, huh? I wonder what happened. Bottom line is that I have plenty of work to finish...
Day 1,115: NYSEE III

Day 1,115: NYSEE III

Today was the third day in New York. The last day. We spent it pretty chill – Seth had to work, and Lena was busy doing errands and, you know, getting used to a brand new person who needs 24/7 care. So, we chilled for a while in our Air Bnb. Got breakfast...
Day 1,024: Dig Dig Dig

Day 1,024: Dig Dig Dig

Cooper is currently digging himself the perfect sleeping spot on the bed. The rascal. I was just thinking about how we really should get him, and Coco that matter, those neck-leads they use in dog shows or that Cesar Milan uses. He’s been aggressive lately on...