Day 467: Cleeeaaannnn Sheets

Day 467: Cleeeaaannnn Sheets

Comets and Rings by Frank Kelly Freas are our artwork tonight. Ahhhhhhhh. They’re so freaking magical, am I right? Of course I am, we all know this to be a truth of the universe. The Ho and I are currently reveling in them. The fruits of laundry labor. To be...
Day 261: Edge of Tomorrow

Day 261: Edge of Tomorrow

It’s so good…seriously. So freaking good. For a popcorn flick, and just as an entertaining movie overall. It doesn’t aspire to be anything more than that, and it isn’t, but it is ALL of that. And pretty much perfectly. I was amazed at how I was...
Day 260: Oh Na Na

Day 260: Oh Na Na

I created a playlist on Spotify recently called “Poppies 2014” to stash whatever pop music out there that I like listening to, and tonight I decided to peruse the Top 100 chart…right now I’m listening to a song called “Na Na” that...