Day 1,129: Amazinauseating

Day 1,129: Amazinauseating

The Ho is on the phone right now with her seester and we just came up with a new word: “amazinauseating.” It’s, obviously, a combination of the word “amazing” and “nauseating.” You know, for those things in life that are...
Day 1,110: Reaching Out

Day 1,110: Reaching Out

Oof. Today was a long day. Lots of work, with a trip to the ol’ cinemas in the middle of it there with the Ho. We saw Arrival, which was pretty damn good. I wouldn’t say it was amazing or incredible…though the language theory that it’s based on...
Day 483: Rhythm

Day 483: Rhythm

Tonight’s artwork is from John Bunch, and super retro! A normal day today. Finally. Started work on time, was on-time the whole day with my editing work, and I finished on time. It feels like forever since I’ve had that. I guess that would mean...