Day 485: You do you

Day 485: You do you

Everything is dying right now, my iPad is actually dead so I’m thumbing this on my phone…which is also dying. The pups are curled up tight little balls right now on the bed because it’s decently cold outside… Apparently we’re due for some...
Day 415: One More

Day 415: One More

Hey there iPad, old friend. I didn’t get to use you today, did I? The writing did not happen, but that was planned as of this morning. My writing hour was cleaved into bits with some apartment building responsibilities. We had the exterminator here for a problem...
Day 360: Breakin through

Day 360: Breakin through

It was one of those struggles today. There were distractions galore, and I was just *tired*. It definitely happens at the end of each of these three day binges of workiness. Ya, workiness. I just made up a word. So much sass tonight. It comes from the tiredness. I...
Day 227: Packing

Day 227: Packing

Going out of town for the next four days. The packing has commenced. Generally a more involved affair for the Ho than myself, as is proving true at the moment. She’s taken over the closet 😛 Got all my work done today, very satisfying. Balanced the checking...
Day 12: Clean Sheets

Day 12: Clean Sheets

I’m sitting up in bed here, getting ready to write some amazingly deep or ponderous blog about amazingly deep and ponderous things…and all I can think about is how fucking amazing the clean sheets that I’m slipped between feel. You guys know what...