Day 446: Here we go again

Day 446: Here we go again

Artwork tonight by Dexter A. Dickinson. Again, a piece oozing with story. A derelict rocket on an alien planet. What happened? It obviously landed and never took off again… Reading my blogs from last year, it was today TO THE DAY that I started having a chest...
Day 399: Le sickies

Day 399: Le sickies

I was sick today. Thankfully, nothing major. No fever. It was enough, however, for me to call it quits work-wise after writing my pages. Headache, post-nasal drip sore throat, and just so tired. I slept for four hours in the middle of the day. FOUR HOURS. If I wake up...
Day 116: Impulse Power

Day 116: Impulse Power

I feel like I’m finally starting to wake up again. The engines are warming. Please, oh please baby Jesus, let it happen. Feels like I’ve been ill, or fringe-ill, for…I don’t even know how long, it feels that long. I read some tweets today by an...