A massively productive day. Finally.

Ahhhhh. That’s me breathing a sigh of relief and exhaustion. I’ve got my scenes all outlined, from beginning to end, for this book now. I just have to write the rest of them. I lost more words in this draft than I wanted…I basically had to throw out the entire Petrick storyline…but it’s worth it. I have a story that I *think* is tight, about as tight as it can be, but we’ll see, and I like it. It’s exciting. It progresses the characters. There are twists and intrigue and revelations and sneaking around and battles. Hopefully people will enjoy it.

The reality is that I DON’T think I can write the rest of it by Friday…but we’ll see. And honestly, I think I’m going to treat this more as a second draft anyway. I literally have written 90,000 words on this project already.

What have learned from this experience, as I look at that total and realize if I’ve written enough words for a book, why don’t I already have a book? I’ve learned…that I need to be more dedicated with my brainstorming and my brainstorming process…and perhaps that should include some free writing and not just sitting in my chair trying to hammer out my outline.

I’ve learned that character worksheets work for me – the breakthrough on this Petrick storyline came because I used an online tool called BEEMGEE to work through what he was going through, and then, finally, my plot points came into focus.

I’ve learned that this part of the process can’t be rushed, and it doesn’t always work on a schedule. I’ve also learned that, at least right now, I’m incapable of writing something that I’m not in love with. I worry about that just because I want to be prolific. I know how good it is to be prolific in order to have a successful career…but man, if I’m not feeling something, I really can’t write it.

Here’s a speculation on moving forward: I’m going to develop a story “process,” and once I do…man, I’m going to be able to write books as fast as I want to. I’m not there yet…but give me another year or so. I think that’s going to happen. That seems to be the way I work.

So, back to Starstuff 2: Electric Boogaloo…I’m worried I’m not going to hit my deadline. But frackin gersh dernit I’m going to do my best.

Wish me luck.

Tomorrow…the fingers fly.